What is the best way to increase your ROI?  Combining digital marketing and direct mail will increase your ROI. Look at digital advertising and print advertising as two sides of the same coin.

They work very well in tandem. Here are 3 ways to integrate the digital and print marketing to help your bottom line.

1. By combining direct mail and email you get the opportunity to touch a prospect twice to make the critical first impression; their inbox and their mail box. One person my delete unsolicited email (or have their spam filter do it for them), but that same person my look through the mail they receive.

2.  By combining a well developed direct mail campaign, with an equally well developed digital marketing campaign you create an impression of integrity and stability with your prospects.

3. One thing that digital marketing has over direct mail advertising is the ability to change.  Print media should focus on driving people to the web. Use print to build your brand and get prospects to visit you online. Send them to your website, or your social media page. Get them to follow you on Twitter. By using this strategy all of your print materials will have a longer shelf life, and your customers will be able to get the latest information.

Blending direct mail and digital advertising will get a better response versus using one over the other ever time.