Bring us your tired mailers, your poor response rate, your bundled masses of direct mail yearning to be seen.

It’s easy-sailing with the beacon of Tri-Win Direct Mail Services lighting the way.  Give your direct mail pieces freedom from failing marketing strategies,  and expedite them safely to their new home – your target market.

Happy Flag Day from Tri-Win Direct Mail.

Tri-win will take you STRAIGHT through all the direct mail services – everything from choosing the best mailing list, to logistical strategies for postage savings.

Tri-Win Direct excels at these “end points,” and every point on the direct mail continuum.  Get your mailer from here to there by utilizing the expert Tri-Win team.  Design, print and mail your best campaign ever, and in the most direct route!

Create more relevant direct mail campaigns; reach the right consumers at the right time; and send the most effective mailer. Improve your marketing campaign with Tri-win Direct Mail Services.

Let us review your target market, your response rate, your printed material, and your postage rates.  We will streamline the process for you, and winnow the extra effort on your part. Save your strength for the new business you’ll generate with your direct mail!

Contact Tri-Win Direct Mail Services.

It only takes seconds for consumers to determine whether to read or “file” your mailer!  So, let us make sure your mailer contains all the right stuff! Don’t land in the circular file with the rest of the trash.

For 17 years, we’ve seen what increases response rates, not recycling! We know what works in your industry, and your target market.

Let us help you get your customer’s attention, and the results you are looking for.


At Tri-Win you will receive outstanding service.  We will assist you with your direct mail campaign from beginning to end.  Our  experienced staff and thorough knowledge of the direct mail industry is sure to make your mailing a success.

Contact any of our sales staff for a quote on your next project. Whether a snap-pack mailer, billing statement,  postcard, or your own creation – we are knowledgeable in all facets of direct mailing.

Every Door Direct Mail is a program offered by the United States Postal Service, and is designed for “flats” only.

Every Door Direct Marketing targets your mailing by postal carrier route (the area that is covered by one postal employee during their shift); typically from 300 to 600 addresses. The residents within a carrier route generally share some demographic similarities.

Tri-Win can design the piece, print and prepare it, and hand it to our on-site USPS clerk.  No mailing lists or addresses are necessary – just your specified carrier routes.

This program is available for every carrier route in the United States which is why it is called Every Door Direct Mail.

Every Door Direct Mail is a program developed by the USPS to enable your business to send postcards or advertisements to a target audience without the need to purchase a mailing list or print specific addresses on your mail piece.  It gets your marketing messages directly into the hands of consumers while reducing mail preparation costs.   The USPS is also offering this service at a discounted postage rate.

Contact Tri-Win for more information on how to best utilize this opportunity.

You can now utilize the USPS “Every Door Direct Mail™” program at Tri-Win.  It is the most affordable way to mail promotional materials to every address in your local area.  Target your customers by a geographic area, and see big savings on postage.
When you entrust your direct mail campaign with Tri-Win Print and Mail Services, you receive the benefit of our expertise – from design to postage.  Your direct mail order is managed by marketing experts to ensure the best results possible.

Have your direct mail piece reach every door on any USPS route you choose.

Tri- win is well versed in the USPS “Every Door Direct Mail”  program.  We will print and prepare your piece; our in-house postal clerk will send it out. Your card or letter will be at each and every door in no time.

Be the talk of the town hall meeting with the help of Tri-Win.



Every Door Direct Mail (a USPS Program), is designed to help you reach every home, every address, every time.

You map out a target area, select a delivery route and mailing drop off date.  Tri-Win will print, address, prepare and deliver your mail piece..

Every Door Direct Mail is a new way to think about marketing your product, service, or idea. Instead of mailing to specific names and addresses,  you can have your mailers delivered to individual neighborhoods (by carrier routes).